Thursday, September 1, 2011

34 Weeks 1 Day: Just Makin' Sure

All the mommies tell me that the way I'm feeling right now is normal. In this stage of the game, I'm going to feel heaviness as the baby drops down. Still, when I'm walking around work all day, sitting down, standing up, sitting down, standing up . . . and I can actually feel my pelvis widening, it makes me a little nervous. I'm afraid to let it go just thinking Oh, I'm probably okay and then wake up the next morning and find myself in full fledged labor. Lest we not forget, that has happened to me before.

So, I made an unscheduled visit to my doctor after school this afternoon. When the nurses and clerks saw me walk into the office . . . unscheduled . . . their eyebrows raised and their eyes showed just a hint of alarm. They all remember the last time I showed up to be checked . . . unscheduled.

Baby Girl's heart rate was in the 140s, which is really good. She's been very active lately, so I wasn't really worried about her. I just wanted to be checked so I could relax and have a good weekend. When the doctor inserted her two fingers, the first thing she said was, "Well, I can tell you're constipated." Are you kidding me? I did not drive all the way over here to be told I need to poop!

She dug around in there a few seconds longer and announced, to my relief, that my cervix is completely closed, but she can feel the baby's head right behind the cervix. Then she followed that up with, "But you'll probably feel better if you have a bowel movement. Use some suppositories."

The poop was just unfortunate timing. Really. I'm not constipated. Well, not too bad anyway. You'll be glad to know that I sat down and had a big poop as soon as I got home. I did feel better, but that does not change the fact that walking around day in and day out with someone's head stuck in your pelvis is just down right uncomfortable.


  1. I so remember the pelvic pain. So painful! But it just means your getting closer! And as for being constipated, that just comes with the territory. Glad you got to go though =)

  2. This one made me laugh. Thanks for sharing.
