Wednesday, September 14, 2011

36 Weeks: Ladies and Gentlemen, She has HAIR!!!

Superficial worry, I know, especially considering my past. But, ya know, does everything have to be linked to that? Better to spend my time worrying that she'll have a bald head than losing sleep over how many chromosomes she'll have (which I've done plenty of). Nothing to worry about now, only something to dream about. The sonographer showed us that Little Sister has lots of long hair!

 The two blotches of horizontal white lines above the word "hair" is her hair flowing off the back of her neck.

Our little girl measured 6lbs 2 oz. She's gettin' squished in there! Just as I suspected, she has not changed positions at all since our last ultrasound five weeks ago. Her head is still right behind my cervix, and she's still facing my right side. Her cute little tushy is on my top left, and her feet are over on my top right. She is in a great position. All she needs to do is turn face down during labor.

In even more news, I just happen to be one centimeter dilated. I really wasn't expecting her to say that. I didn't feel like anything was happening. Although, by the end of the work day, I'm sure my colleagues could attest to seeing me barely able to waddle myself down the hallway! The doctor says this one centimeter in no ways means I will not make it to our October 5th induction date. I could be one centimeter from here on out. Who knows? I can tell you that I really hate it when people automatically say I'm going to go early or that she could come any day. If you are someone who has said that (and lots of people have) don't feel bad. Just don't do it anymore. I'm very sensitive about that (as my hubby is quick to remind me) because I've had a preterm labor. Not that this is a preterm labor situation, but ya know. I just want everyone to pray for October 5th. It's very important to me. I don't have enough sick days at work to go any earlier without having to go back before Thanksgiving break. Also, I want a 39 week baby who has no trouble breathing and can go straight into my arms and never have to leave . . . and nurse. I want to nurse. No one else is going to hold her until I nurse. 

 My arm is in front of my face. Always being bashful.

 My profile

 My beautiful face. I'm chillin' resting my cheek in my hand.

My mouth looks a little blurry because the placenta is in front of it.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Ponytails, hairbows, and all the fun stuff! Being 1 cm does not mean you'll go early at all. I know mommys that have been dilated for weeks and still went late. Oct 5 it is!
