Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 13: Follicle Scan and hCG

This morning was the much awaited follicle scan. It was preceded, of course, with plenty of anxiety and a sleepless night. I have been so nervous about the whole process this time. Yes, I'm nervous every time, but this time I'm going overboard. Most of my fear has been that I made a huge mistake buying the meds from the pharmacy in Israel just to save a few hundred bucks. I wouldn't have done it if I wasn't sure it was the same stuff with just a different name. Still, I think, Why would I do anything differently when I have this much at stake? Leading up to the scan, I've been simultaneously afraid I would only have one or no follicles and afraid I would have too many.

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.


Those big black spots are my two follicles (a fluid filled sac on the ovary with a mature egg inside). They are both on my right ovary. My left ovary did not produce anything. I've only had a follicle on my left ovary
once out of four cycles (Tater Tot's cycle). My right ovary has produced two follicles every time.

Two follicles is a desirable outcome. The nurse said, "Two follicles are good; three follicles are great; four follicles . . . we start to get a little nervous." I got pregnant with Gaby Baby after having two follicles, and let's not forget that I did just have an HSG. So, there will be nothing keeping those little spermies from getting to one of those eggs. The nurse also said I have a "lucious lining." That's a big part of it, too. You aren't pregnant until that embryo grabs onto that lining. They always tell me I have a fabulous lining. Apparently that's something I'm actually good at.

Tonight at 8:00PM I'll give myself an hCG injection (This one goes in the butt.) to make me ovulate (get those follies to burst off the ovaries) in 36 hours. That will have me ready to go Wednesday morning!

Thank you guys so much for praying. Letting you all "see me naked" in this blog is adding to the stress of all this. I'm doing it for Gaby and because I want you all to be praising God when He gives us this long awaited miracle and because I think having hundreds of people praying for us can't possibly hurt. Still, it's hard on me. I just don't want to let anyone down.

Please pray that God makes me a healthy baby, and please pray for peace in my heart so that I can enjoy this amazing opportunity. From this moment on, I am making the choice to relax and hold my arms out in expectation of a miracle.


  1. Praying for you all..........

  2. Bonnie, This is just so amazing! That you have the courage to forge ahead, to raise your arms and wait patiently for that blessing! You have people praying for you that you don't even know! That is just awesome! By sharing your "nakedness" with others, you have prompted me to look humbly at my own life and trust in God even more than I already lay my burdens at His feet and wait patiently for His wonderful blessings to unfold. Thank you for your willingness to share with all of us! I hope to meet you one of these days!

  3. Brenda,
    Your kind words brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much. Maybe we can meet at the baby shower. I'm sure I'll have one at CP Church.

  4. Can't wait to celebrate with you! Praying as always! You do have a lot of people you don't even know praying for you-- and the prayers of the righteous avails much! Loving you and your eggs! :)

  5. Bonnie,
    I think this is awesome! I cannot even begin to understand what you went through, and the fact that you are determined to continue to press on shows true faith in God. I am praying for you, and cannot wait to hear some good news!!!

  6. Those lil' follicles are so cute. I can't wait to see one turn into a baby! =)

  7. I have to honestly say those are the first follicles I have ever seen. I am sure one of them will turn into a beautiful healthy baby. Keep us updated. love ya Sherry

  8. They are cute follicles, aren't they? Can you believe one of those is halfway to being a baby? Or . . . those are halfway to being babies. You never know. (of course, this half is the cutest half--my DNA!)

  9. I have been reading your whole blog and you are a fantastic writer. I've never had the loss that you've experienced but I know the longing for a baby. It's a physical pain inside and I commend you for being so brave and putting it all out here for the world...much love...

  10. Anonymous,
    Thank you so much for your kind words and compliments to my writing. Thank you for praying and believing with us, and may your baby dreams come true, in Jesus name.

  11. hey there.. I was looking online for an image of a healthy follicle and came across yours.. we are in the process of undergoing intrauterine insemination and i just had my first ultrasound today for the follicles.. and i am on my day 9 .. i have two also.. a size 14 and on my left a size 12 with a few coming behind.. I am presently on bravelle shots after doing chlomiphene for six days ... mmm.. I am actually interested in how you are doing now.. unless i keep reading on.. if you have any advice or experts please let me know.. i go again in two days for my second ultrasound to see what my follicles are doing.. I am still in the dark as how they all work.. i feel dumb sometimes to ask the doctor questions i feel like i ask the same one over and over.. whats a follicle .. hows it work.. will i get pregnant .. how many do i need.. lol.. i am a broken record to them sometimes.. but I hope all is well.. and will keep reading.. :)).. tammy

  12. This Blog is going places, the people, the layout, amazing to see such dedication and focus.
