Thursday, June 30, 2011

25 Weeks 1 Day: Another Mommy Meltdown

No, this meltdown wasn't over the health of my baby or any crazy notions that I have that she will suddenly disappear. This meltdown was completely logical and tear-worthy. It was over my pants!

I walked into the closet yesterday, pulled a pair of jean shorts off the top shelf, and proceeded to put them on (something I did about three weeks ago with no trouble whatsoever, with room to spare actually). I stepped into them and pulled them up over my hips with no reason to suspect what was about to happen next. I grabbed each side and pulled them toward each other in preparation to fasten the button . . . but they didn't even come close to being able to be buttoned, as in one side does not touch the other.

I threw that wretched pair of no-good shorts on the floor, grabbed a more reliable pair, and sobbed while I put them on and finished dressing.

"What's the matter?" my husband questions after witnessing the closet tantrum.

"Nothing! I'm fine," I cry, pretty sure I'll have to resort to wearing my nightgown to work when school starts in a month.

"Baby. What. Is. Wrong?" he insists.

"My pants don't fit!" More tears. And a little bit of snot.

He laughs at my total pregnancy moment. I don't find the same humor in it that he does. I know. It sounds totally obvious that I would outgrow my pants when I am just a few days shy of being six months pregnant, but for me, I guess I just didn't see it coming. I never wore maternity clothes with Gabriel. Partly because I was pregnant in the winter and had more things that just fit me without resorting to maternity clothes, and partly (mostly) because he went 10 weeks early and it was my first pregnancy.

What to do? What to do? (sigh)

Matthew 6:25 (NIV) "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?"


  1. Hang in there! I know maternity pants/shorts are not fun in the least bit way, but they are a must when your Pregnant. It just means baby girl James is growing nice and big for you.
    6 months already! Wow did that fly. Can't wait to see her.

  2. How thankful are we that your precious baby girl is growing! This is a fabulous problem to have! This is another milestone in this wonderful adventure... Celebrate! I loved being in my maternity clothes... they symbolized the growth of my precious babies inside of me, my blessings straight from God!
