Friday, June 10, 2011

22 Weeks 2 Days: She's Got the Wiggles!

She wiggles all the time--never sits still. It's hilarious. Sometimes I just sit and watch my belly rippling and jerking, and I just crack up laughing at her! It's such a funny, ticklish feeling. It's a feeling I've never felt before.

It dawned on me a few nights ago why this feeling inside of me amazes me so much, why it feels so new. Yes, Gabriel moved a lot; he moved a lot for a baby who was never supposed to move much. It was my first pregnancy, so I didn't know any better. Every move he made astonished me. And rightfully so. He was incredible, but he didn't have the wiggles like baby sister. In fact, he never moved out of his completely breech facing mommy position. From the very beginning to the very end, he stayed that way. There were plenty of kicks and jabs, just no wiggling. He stayed put.

Baby girl, on the other hand, must be all over the place in there. She's a busy girl! I sit here, and I can feel her squirming and playing and loving life. Kicks and jabs, too, but lots of movement and changing of positions. I wish I could describe the feeling, but I know most of you mommies know and have been praying that I could know, too.

Now, here's to praying that, when the time is right, she wiggles into a head down position just like a good girl.

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